Using front-end tests for Test-Driven Development

From time to time, development teams need to replace back-end architecture and when doing so they need to ensure that the application’s front-end functionality remains the same. These projects can vary in size, from short projects to long-running pieces of work. This process contains risk as the backend unit tests passing does not guarantee that …

The Five S’s create a structure for test automation

I use the Five S’s to create a disciplined structure that helps me create and maintain automated tests. Mary and Tom Poppendiek recommend using the Five S’s to create the discipline necessary to develop quality software. They wrote that “the five S’s are a classic lean tool to organise a workspace” [1].  Mary and Tom …

First impressions of test automation with Playwright

I have recently automated some tests using Playwright. It is a free-to-use Node.js library created by Microsoft that is designed to be used to automate end-to-end testing.  Playwright supports chromium, WebKit and Firefox, and, by default, all tests are run on all three browsers. Tests can be run in headless mode. It supports, Java, .Net, …

How to create a simple performance test with Puppeteer

Creating your first performance test can seem daunting, but it need not be so. This blog post is a guide to resources that you can use to create a simple automated performance test. A good tool to use to create a performance test is Puppeteer. Puppeteer is a node.js library that can be used to …

Which programming languages should a tester learn?

It is helpful for a tester to be able to program as it enables a tester to get a better understanding of the application they are testing. Being able to code also helps create test data, automate tests and build a better relationship with developers. But which programming language(s) should a tester learn? Over the …

Use Low Code as a springboard for learning

I have been using Ghost Inspector to automate tests that run through the UI for a few years. It is an automation tool which says “No coding required”. If you are not a programmer you can use Ghost Inspector to automate tests. You can also use Ghost Inspector to learn about development practices and coding. …

Learning JavaScript is helping me to test

I am learning JavaScript because it helps me in so many ways when I am testing.  Many apps have JavaScript sandboxes that enable you to write some JavaScript that adds to your testing. Examples of where you can write JavaScript are the Tests tab in Postman, and browser dev tools which enable you to write …

API Testing can enhance automated testing strategy

An automated test strategy will normally include tests that are automated through the UI, and unit tests. It is an advantage if an automated testing strategy also includes testing that is automated via the API. Automated tests need to run quickly so that developers get fast feedback on their work. Tests that are automated via …

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