The Seedbed of a Quality Revolution

The sign for the retail park on the site of the Hawthorne Works

A tester’s role is not only to do the testing but also to improve quality. I visited the site of the former Hawthorne Works during a recent trip to Chicago because so many innovations in quality started there.  The Hawthorne Works was the Bell Telephone Laboratories site that manufactured the hardware for the first national telephone system in the USA.[1] It was the “Silicon Valley of ”[2] the early twentieth century and was the “seedbed of a quality revolution.”[3].

The site of the Hawthorne Works is now a retail park; the only part of the works that still stands is the water tower. I have used photos I took while visiting the site to illustrate this blog post.

Hawthorne Works water tower stands over retail units

Significant people who worked at Hawthorne Works and created philosophies and practices that have become central to quality are:

Deming referred to Shewhart as “the master”[1]. 

Deming’s philosophy is of great value as it helps me to work with development teams to improve the quality of work continually. I am enjoying reading John Willis’ new book “Deming’s Journey to Profound Knowledge, which shows how Deming’s life experiences, including those at the Hawthorne Works, influenced his philosophy.

That so many of the advances in quality made in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries are connected to the Hawthorne Works shows what a remarkable place it was.


[1] Architect of Quality : The Autobiography of Dr. Joseph M. Juran by Joseph M. Juran (2004, p91)

[2] Deming’s Journey to Profound Knowledge by John Willis and Derek Lewis (2023,  p46)

[3].Manufacturing the future. A History of Western Electric. by S.B. Adams and O.R. Butler (1999, p161)

[4] What is Total Quality Control? By Kaoru Ishikawa (1985, p14)

[5] Out of the Crisis by W. Edwards Deming (1986, p88)

[6] Quality or Else by Lloyd Dobyns and Clare Crawford-Mason (1991, p52)

[7] Deming’s Journey to Profound Knowledge by John Willis and Derek Lewis (2023, p79)

[8] “Deming to Devops: The Science Behind Devops” by John Willis (a five minute long video) 

[9] When Coffee and Kale Compete by Alan Klement (2018, p156)

[10] Out of the Crisis by W. Edwards Deming (1986, p168)

Further Reading


Hawthorne Works water tower is behind the retail units

Published by Mike Harris

Mike has been working in testing for 20 years and is the lone tester for Geckoboard. He has been a Test Lead and has also worked as a part of waterfall, lean and agile teams. He has a B.Sc.(HONS) from Middlesex University and is an Associate of the University of Hertfordshire. He has set up and led a Testing Community of Practice and been part of a successful agile transition. He is Vice-Chair of the British Computer Society’s Specialist Interest Group in Software Testing. He also contributed to the e-books Testing Stories and How Can I test This? and has had articles published by the Ministry of Testing, LambdaTest and The QA Lead.

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